
elf_diffs configuration is stored in a tree structure.


├── build_info = '' <str> [Information about the build]
├── configuration [Boolean flags that configure what is supposed to be displayed and how]
│   ├── debug_info_available = 'None' <NoneType> [True if Dwarf debugging information was found in both binaries]
│   ├── display_appeared_symbols_overview = 'True' <bool> [True if an overview about appeared symbols is supposed to be displayed]
│   ├── display_binary_details = 'False' <bool> [True if details about binaries are supposed to be displayed]
│   ├── display_build_info = 'False' <bool> [True if build information is supposed to be displayed]
│   ├── display_details = 'True' <bool> [True if symbol detail information is supposed to be displayed]
│   ├── display_disappeared_symbols_overview = 'True' <bool> [True if an overview about disappeared symbols is supposed to be displayed]
│   ├── display_migrated_symbols = 'True' <bool> [True if migrated symbols are supposed to be displayed]
│   ├── display_migrated_symbols_overview = 'True' <bool> [True if an overview about migrated symbols is supposed to be displayed]
│   ├── display_new_binary_info = 'False' <bool> [True if new binary info is supposed to be displayed]
│   ├── display_old_binary_info = 'False' <bool> [True if old binary info is supposed to be displayed]
│   ├── display_persisting_symbols_overview = 'True' <bool> [True if an overview about persisting symbols is supposed to be displayed]
│   ├── display_similar_symbols = 'True' <bool> [True if similar symbols are supposed to be displayed]
│   ├── display_similar_symbols_overview = 'True' <bool> [True if an overview about similar symbols is supposed to be displayed]
│   └── instructions_available = 'True' <bool> [True if instructions could be read from both binary files]
├── files [Information about relevant files]
│   └── input [Information about relevant input files]
│       ├── new [Information about relevant input files]
│       │   ├── binary_path = '../../tests/x86_64/libelf_diff_test_debug_new.a' <str> [The path to the binary file]
│       │   ├── debug_info_available = 'True' <bool> [True if Dwarf debug info avaiable in the elf binary]
│       │   └── source_files [Source file by file id (dict values of type SourceFile)]
│       └── old [Information about relevant input files]
│           ├── binary_path = '../../tests/x86_64/libelf_diff_test_debug_old.a' <str> [The path to the binary file]
│           ├── debug_info_available = 'True' <bool> [True if Dwarf debug info avaiable in the elf binary]
│           └── source_files [Source file by file id (dict values of type SourceFile)]
├── general [General information about the document]
│   ├── doc_title = 'ELF Binary Comparison' <str> [Document title]
│   ├── document_version = '1' <int> [The document version of this document]
│   ├── elf_diff_repo_root = '/home/runner/work/elf_diff/elf_diff/src/elf_diff' <str> [Path to the root of the elf_diff git repo]
│   ├── elf_diff_version = '139662855e3b3308df9983715a124b0d85fe2acf' <str> [The elf_diff version that generated the page]
│   ├── generation_date = '2024-03-16 14:32:10' <str> [The document generation date]
│   └── page_title = 'ELF Binary Comparison - (c) 2021 by noseglasses' <str> [The title of the document page]
├── new_binary_info = '' <str> [Info about the new binary]
├── old_binary_info = '' <str> [Info about the old binary]
├── statistics
│   ├── overall [Overall statistics]
│   │   ├── delta
│   │   │   └── resource_consumption [Information about resource consumption]
│   │   │       ├── bss = '0' <int> [bss section memory consumption]
│   │   │       ├── code = '2' <int> [Memory required to store code]
│   │   │       ├── data = '0' <int> [data section memory consumption]
│   │   │       ├── static_ram = '0' <int> [Static RAM consumption]
│   │   │       └── text = '2' <int> [text section memory consumption]
│   │   ├── new
│   │   │   └── resource_consumption [Information about resource consumption]
│   │   │       ├── bss = '0' <int> [bss section memory consumption]
│   │   │       ├── code = '331' <int> [Memory required to store code]
│   │   │       ├── data = '8' <int> [data section memory consumption]
│   │   │       ├── static_ram = '8' <int> [Static RAM consumption]
│   │   │       └── text = '323' <int> [text section memory consumption]
│   │   └── old
│   │       └── resource_consumption [Information about resource consumption]
│   │           ├── bss = '0' <int> [bss section memory consumption]
│   │           ├── code = '329' <int> [Memory required to store code]
│   │           ├── data = '8' <int> [data section memory consumption]
│   │           ├── static_ram = '8' <int> [Static RAM consumption]
│   │           └── text = '321' <int> [text section memory consumption]
│   └── symbols [Statistics of symbols]
│       ├── appeared
│       │   └── count = '4' <int> [Number of symbols]
│       ├── disappeared
│       │   └── count = '4' <int> [Number of symbols]
│       ├── new [Overall statistics about symbols considered]
│       │   ├── count [Number of symbols]
│       │   │   ├── dropped = '0' <int> [Number of symbols dropped]
│       │   │   ├── selected = '7' <int> [Number of symbols selected]
│       │   │   └── total = '7' <int> [Number of total symbols in binary]
│       │   └── regex [Overall statistics about symbols considered]
│       │       ├── exclusion = '' <str> [Regular expression used to exclude symbols found in binary]
│       │       └── selection = '.*' <str> [Regular expression used to select symbols found in binary]
│       ├── old [Overall statistics about symbols considered]
│       │   ├── count [Number of symbols]
│       │   │   ├── dropped = '0' <int> [Number of symbols dropped]
│       │   │   ├── selected = '7' <int> [Number of symbols selected]
│       │   │   └── total = '7' <int> [Number of total symbols in binary]
│       │   └── regex [Overall statistics about symbols considered]
│       │       ├── exclusion = '' <str> [Regular expression used to exclude symbols found in binary]
│       │       └── selection = '.*' <str> [Regular expression used to select symbols found in binary]
│       ├── persisting
│       │   ├── assembly_differs_count = '2' <int> [Number of persisting symbols with assembly differences]
│       │   ├── count = '3' <int> [Number of symbols]
│       │   └── resource_consumption [Total resource consumption of considered symbols of given class]
│       │       ├── delta = '0' <int> [Change to number of bytes consumed (only for persisting and similar)]
│       │       ├── new = '40' <int> [Overall number of bytes consumed in the old version]
│       │       └── old = '40' <int> [Overall number of bytes consumed in the old version]
│       └── similar
│           └── count = '10' <int> [Number of symbols]
└── symbols [Symbols by id/table id ]
    ├── appeared [Dict of appeared symbols by symbol id (dict values of type AppearedSymbol)]
    ├── disappeared [Disappeared symbols by symbol id (dict values of type DisappearedSymbol)]
    ├── migrated [Migrated symbols by symbol id (dict values of type MigratedSymbol)]
    ├── new [Dict of selected symbols of the new binary by symbol id (dict values of type Symbol)]
    ├── old [Dict of selected symbols of the old binary by symbol id (dict values of type Symbol)]
    ├── persisting [Persisting symbols by symbol id (dict values of type PersistingSymbol)]
    └── similar [Similar symbols by symbol id (dict values of type SimilarSymbols)]

Dynamic Tree Node Types

Some branches of the document tree are dynamically generated based on the content of the compared elf binaries. Dynamically generated node types are listed below.

Please note: The actual node representations are not listed due to space constraints.


├── id <int> [The id of the source file]
├── path <str> [The full path of the source file as reported by binutils/nm]
└── path_wo_prefix <str> [The name of the source file with user defined prefix stripped]


├── id <int> [Unique symbol identifier]
├── instructions <str> [Code instructions (assembly with possibly high level language code intermixed)]
├── is_demangled <bool> [True if the symbol name is demangled]
├── is_stored_in_program_memory <bool> [True if the symbol is stored in program memory]
├── name <str> [The symbol name (demangled if supported)]
├── name_mangled <str> [The mangled symbol name]
├── size <int> [Number of bytes occupied by the symbol]
├── source
│   ├── file_id <int> [The id of the source file]
│   └── line <int> [The line number in the source file where the symbol is defined]
└── type <str> [Type character matching the characters used by the nm binutils tool]


├── display_info [Information that configures how things are displayed]
│   ├── anchor_id <str> [Unique string identifier token that can be used to generate a HTML anchor for cross references]
│   ├── display_symbol_details <bool> [True if symbol details are supposed to be displayed]
│   └── symbol_class <str> [The class of symbol old/new/appeared/disappeared/persisting/similar]
└── related_symbols [A relation between two symbols]
    ├── new <Symbol> [The new symbol]
    ├── old <Symbol> [The old symbol]
    └── size_delta <int> [Difference in bytes between the resource occupation of the two symbols]


├── actual <Symbol> [The actual symbol]
└── display_info [Information that configures how things are displayed]
    ├── anchor_id <str> [Unique string identifier token that can be used to generate a HTML anchor for cross references]
    ├── display_symbol_details <bool> [True if symbol details are supposed to be displayed]
    └── symbol_class <str> [The class of symbol old/new/appeared/disappeared/persisting/similar]


├── actual <Symbol> [The actual symbol]
└── display_info [Information that configures how things are displayed]
    ├── anchor_id <str> [Unique string identifier token that can be used to generate a HTML anchor for cross references]
    ├── display_symbol_details <bool> [True if symbol details are supposed to be displayed]
    └── symbol_class <str> [The class of symbol old/new/appeared/disappeared/persisting/similar]


├── display_info [Information that configures how things are displayed]
│   ├── anchor_id <str> [Unique string identifier token that can be used to generate a HTML anchor for cross references]
│   ├── display_symbol_details <bool> [True if symbol details are supposed to be displayed]
│   └── symbol_class <str> [The class of symbol old/new/appeared/disappeared/persisting/similar]
├── id <int> [The id of the symbol pair]
├── new
│   └── signature_tagged <str> [A tagged version of the symbol signature. Taggs '...HIGHLIGHT_START...' and '...HIGHLIGHT_END...' must be replaced accordingly, e.g. for highlighting.]
├── old
│   └── signature_tagged <str> [A tagged version of the symbol signature. Taggs '...HIGHLIGHT_START...' and '...HIGHLIGHT_END...' must be replaced accordingly, e.g. for highlighting.]
├── related_symbols [A relation between two symbols]
│   ├── new <Symbol> [The new symbol]
│   ├── old <Symbol> [The old symbol]
│   └── size_delta <int> [Difference in bytes between the resource occupation of the two symbols]
└── similarities [Symbol similarity ratios]
    ├── instruction <float> [The percentage of symbol instruction similarity]
    └── signature <float> [The percentage of symbol signature similarity]


├── display_info [Information that configures how things are displayed]
│   ├── anchor_id <str> [Unique string identifier token that can be used to generate a HTML anchor for cross references]
│   ├── display_symbol_details <bool> [True if symbol details are supposed to be displayed]
│   └── symbol_class <str> [The class of symbol old/new/appeared/disappeared/persisting/similar]
└── related_symbols [A relation between two symbols]
    ├── new <Symbol> [The new symbol]
    ├── old <Symbol> [The old symbol]
    └── size_delta <int> [Difference in bytes between the resource occupation of the two symbols]

Jinja2 Template Variables

The following exported variables may be used to configure Jinja2 Template files.
document.build_info = ''
document.configuration.debug_info_available = 'None'
document.configuration.display_appeared_symbols_overview = 'True'
document.configuration.display_binary_details = 'False'
document.configuration.display_build_info = 'False'
document.configuration.display_details = 'True'
document.configuration.display_disappeared_symbols_overview = 'True'
document.configuration.display_migrated_symbols = 'True'
document.configuration.display_migrated_symbols_overview = 'True'
document.configuration.display_new_binary_info = 'False'
document.configuration.display_old_binary_info = 'False'
document.configuration.display_persisting_symbols_overview = 'True'
document.configuration.display_similar_symbols = 'True'
document.configuration.display_similar_symbols_overview = 'True'
document.configuration.instructions_available = 'True' = '../../tests/x86_64/libelf_diff_test_debug_new.a' = 'True' = '{6: <elf_diff.value_tree.Node object at 0x7ab356faff10>, 7: <elf_diff.value_tree.Node object at 0x7ab356faff40>, 8: <elf_diff.value_tree.Node object at 0x7ab356faff70>, 9: <elf_diff.value_tree.Node object at 0x7ab356faffa0>, 10: <elf_diff.value_tree.Node object at 0x7ab356fb8040>, 11: <elf_diff.value_tree.Node object at 0x7ab356fb8070>}'
document.files.input.old.binary_path = '../../tests/x86_64/libelf_diff_test_debug_old.a'
document.files.input.old.debug_info_available = 'True'
document.files.input.old.source_files = '{0: <elf_diff.value_tree.Node object at 0x7ab356faf850>, 1: <elf_diff.value_tree.Node object at 0x7ab356faf880>, 2: <elf_diff.value_tree.Node object at 0x7ab356faf8b0>, 3: <elf_diff.value_tree.Node object at 0x7ab356faf8e0>, 4: <elf_diff.value_tree.Node object at 0x7ab356faf940>, 5: <elf_diff.value_tree.Node object at 0x7ab356faf970>}'
document.general.doc_title = 'ELF Binary Comparison'
document.general.document_version = '1'
document.general.elf_diff_repo_root = '/home/runner/work/elf_diff/elf_diff/src/elf_diff'
document.general.elf_diff_version = '139662855e3b3308df9983715a124b0d85fe2acf'
document.general.generation_date = '2024-03-16 14:32:10'
document.general.page_title = 'ELF Binary Comparison - (c) 2021 by noseglasses'
document.new_binary_info = ''
document.old_binary_info = '' = '0' = '2' = '0' = '0' = '2' = '0' = '331' = '8' = '8' = '323'
document.statistics.overall.old.resource_consumption.bss = '0'
document.statistics.overall.old.resource_consumption.code = '329' = '8'
document.statistics.overall.old.resource_consumption.static_ram = '8'
document.statistics.overall.old.resource_consumption.text = '321'
document.statistics.symbols.appeared.count = '4'
document.statistics.symbols.disappeared.count = '4' = '0' = '7' = '7' = '' = '.*'
document.statistics.symbols.old.count.dropped = '0'
document.statistics.symbols.old.count.selected = '7' = '7'
document.statistics.symbols.old.regex.exclusion = ''
document.statistics.symbols.old.regex.selection = '.*'
document.statistics.symbols.persisting.assembly_differs_count = '2'
document.statistics.symbols.persisting.count = '3' = '0' = '40'
document.statistics.symbols.persisting.resource_consumption.old = '40'
document.statistics.symbols.similar.count = '10'
document.symbols.appeared = '{9: <elf_diff.value_tree.Node object at 0x7ab356f5cc40>, 10: <elf_diff.value_tree.Node object at 0x7ab356f5cc10>, 11: <elf_diff.value_tree.Node object at 0x7ab356f5cbb0>, 12: <elf_diff.value_tree.Node object at 0x7ab356f5cca0>}'
document.symbols.disappeared = '{2: <elf_diff.value_tree.Node object at 0x7ab356f9ef50>, 3: <elf_diff.value_tree.Node object at 0x7ab356f9ef80>, 4: <elf_diff.value_tree.Node object at 0x7ab356f9efe0>, 5: <elf_diff.value_tree.Node object at 0x7ab356f9f070>}'
document.symbols.migrated = '{0: <elf_diff.value_tree.Node object at 0x7ab356faf100>, 1: <elf_diff.value_tree.Node object at 0x7ab356faf130>, 6: <elf_diff.value_tree.Node object at 0x7ab356faf1f0>}' = '{12: <elf_diff.value_tree.Node object at 0x7ab356f9e050>, 13: <elf_diff.value_tree.Node object at 0x7ab356f9e080>, 7: <elf_diff.value_tree.Node object at 0x7ab356f9e0e0>, 8: <elf_diff.value_tree.Node object at 0x7ab356f9e170>, 9: <elf_diff.value_tree.Node object at 0x7ab356f9e1d0>, 10: <elf_diff.value_tree.Node object at 0x7ab356f9e230>, 11: <elf_diff.value_tree.Node object at 0x7ab356f9e290>}'
document.symbols.old = '{5: <elf_diff.value_tree.Node object at 0x7ab356f9ccd0>, 6: <elf_diff.value_tree.Node object at 0x7ab356f9cd00>, 0: <elf_diff.value_tree.Node object at 0x7ab356f9cd60>, 1: <elf_diff.value_tree.Node object at 0x7ab356f9cdf0>, 2: <elf_diff.value_tree.Node object at 0x7ab356f9ce50>, 3: <elf_diff.value_tree.Node object at 0x7ab356f9ceb0>, 4: <elf_diff.value_tree.Node object at 0x7ab356f9cf10>}'
document.symbols.persisting = '{0: <elf_diff.value_tree.Node object at 0x7ab356f9fdf0>, 1: <elf_diff.value_tree.Node object at 0x7ab356f9fe20>, 6: <elf_diff.value_tree.Node object at 0x7ab356f9fee0>}'
document.symbols.similar = '{0: <elf_diff.value_tree.Node object at 0x7ab356fad8d0>, 1: <elf_diff.value_tree.Node object at 0x7ab356fad930>, 2: <elf_diff.value_tree.Node object at 0x7ab356fada80>, 3: <elf_diff.value_tree.Node object at 0x7ab356fadba0>, 4: <elf_diff.value_tree.Node object at 0x7ab356fadcc0>, 5: <elf_diff.value_tree.Node object at 0x7ab356fadde0>, 6: <elf_diff.value_tree.Node object at 0x7ab356fadf00>, 7: <elf_diff.value_tree.Node object at 0x7ab356fae020>, 8: <elf_diff.value_tree.Node object at 0x7ab356fae140>, 9: <elf_diff.value_tree.Node object at 0x7ab356fae260>}'